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Frequently Asked Questions

Do I have to open an account to register a domain?

TLD Haven is a domain name "portfolio" management company.

If all I need is one domain, can I open an account?

There is no minimum or maximum number of domains for an account.

I want to register a domain, but I am not a business. Can I still use your service?

We serve both individual and business customers.

I have a domain registered with another service. Can I move it to TLD Haven, Inc?

If you see the top level domain on our pricing list then YES you can transfer the domain.

I own two businesses each with their own domain name. Do I need two accounts?

The number of accounts is based on billing.
For example, you can create one account with both domain names. Your billing will then be in either your name, or one of the business names.
If you specifically want the invoice in each of your business names, then you will want two accounts, one for each business.